Athletes as Role Models

So...What's The Point?

Professional athletes are everywhere!  They are readily visible and revered by society.  They are constantly in the public eye and their business is anything but private.  Their influence can be seen on television, in the newspaper, and on billboards.  Our youth turn on the television and professional athletes are portrayed as stars.  This gives our youth the impression that their actions are acceptable since the same athletes continue to be featured in the media.  The reality is that our youth are our future leaders.  Therefore, it is significant for adults, especially professional athletes, to exemplify good qualities for our youth to embody.  If professional athletes want to be knuckleheads and not hold themselves accountable on and off the field, the simple solution is to not be a public figure in the media.  Otherwise, professional athletes such as LeBron James should embrace the gift to be prominent figures in the media, knowing that their actions have lasting impacts.
Survey depicting how professional athletes view themselves